Students: Thank you for bringing your art and helping set up yesterday at the Manuel Lujan Building. Eleven student artists brought wonderful paintings, prints, collages, photographs, etc. to exhibit for the first time at the Weems Art Fest (located in the Manuel Lujan Building).
To get to the festival: take the fairgrounds entrance on San Pedro between Lomas and Central--look for the red WEEMS ART signs--enter there and take the first left after the toll booth; pass two adobe buildings till you come to the Manuel Lujan Bldg on the right; go to the far north side of the building, and enter through the side door--which is closest to our booth.
Look for the Academy Artist Sign (near the Children's Musuem). Parents, there is still time to sign-up to volunteer in the booth for blocks of 2, 3 or 4 hours!
THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR PARTICIPATING STUDENTS (and all money raised from the sale of your paintings goes to you, the artist!); however, each car needs a parking pass (these are still available from Marian Williams if you'd like to purchase one for $6/weekend, $3/day).
Contact Samuel Roberts-Baca's('14) Mom (Linda) at or 301-1727. She will be helping students throughout the weekend.
Mary Ann Weems, the founder of one of Albquerque's biggest art exhibits, has generously offered a free booth to a handful of ABQ Academy students to exhibit and sell their work, for the first time, at her Weems Art Fest, planned for Friday, Nov. 4 - Sunday, Nov. 6, 2011. Artists are encouraged to create their own cards with contact information, in advance, to share with art fest participants/visitors.
Here is the week's schedule:
Friday, Nov. 4: Art Fest Opening. Time: 10am- 9pm.
Saturday, Nov. 5: Time: 10am-6pm
Sunday, Nov. 6: Time: 10am-5pm -- Students: You will need to pick up your art work between 5:00 - 5:30 pm on Sunday
Proceeds from all art sold go directly to the artists.
Thank you, Mary Ann Weems, Marian Williams, and Albuquerque Academy Artists and teachers for hosting/helping/participating in this year's Weems Art Fest!